Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wow, a year later!

Not much new to report about my arm, but had a bunch of thoughts that I want to start putting down somewhere, so here seemed like a good place!

Last week was a crazy busy week. I am soccer conveynor for the under 9 age group, and I had to get all the team uniforms out to the coaches. We were also still waiting for schedules, which was an added stress. AND we were dealing with regular activities, including cubs and newspapers. The newspapers were late in getting delivered to us on Thursday (lets be fair, when are they delivered on time?! Maybe it would be better for everybody if I adjusted my level of expectation to embrace a late delivery time?) and Adam needed to have a first aid kit and a survival kit ready for inspection at cubs. We delivered the papers and picked up Chez Ronnie's on the way home. Got the kids eating (T-15 minutes until departure for cubs!) and grabbed the contents for the survival kit. Didn't have aluminum foil or waterproof matches, though I did have a flint to include. They wanted string....that would just tangle up unless I put it in something. I spied a kinderegg plastic egg and repurposed that. Yes, I was *that mom* the one who was doing my child's assignment. Deal with it. He checked it all out and gave me grief about us not having the proper matches. BUT. I need to pause here and talk about the kindereggs. I am kicking myself for having recycled these in the past. These little guys are gold! I have previously used film canisters to store dryer lint for campfires, raisins for lunchboxes, etc. The film canisters have become a rarity with the onset of digital cameras, but these little eggs almost do the job better! While I have not yet tried them for the raisins, I am planning on suggesting them as sewing kits for the cubs. I can't get scissors into them, but the kids are carrying a multi-tool. I figure that a package of dollar store spools, loaded by my sewing machine with thread, one in each egg, a needle or two in a piece of felt, and a couple buttons, and they will have an adorable sewing kit! The bonus is that they will get to eat the chocolate egg first! LOL! I may just be the most popular craft lady THAT day!