Friday, October 30, 2009

new appt

I am having the ultrasound of the breast on Monday, Nov 2. If they don't see what they are looking for, they may or may not do a needle biopsy.

I have found an online group ( for women with breast cancer, that has a number of women who are very educated in the ways of breast cancer. Its been a good opportunity for me to tell my story and get some feedback. Many people are telling me to push for additional testing and for a study to be made of what other pathologies were done in the lab the day they did mine, wondering about possible contamination of specimen. They have offered up two other possible solutions to problem....1) that originating cancer cells, assume in breast, the body took over and fixed or got rid of. 2) that, during fetal development, some breast tissue was misplaced in arm. In my opinion, if second one is possibility, then radical measures to protect me should be considered, including pulling all estrogen producing parts and proactive massectomy. but first we need to get my arm fixed before we tackle the next steps. It was just really good to find a site whete people could offer some perspective to what I am going thru. I was hoping to meet somebody else with similar circumstances but that hasnt happened yet.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dr Appt Update aka the Future's SO bright!

Ok, HE doesn't think that the skin discolouration is anything much. He suggested old bruising. Dunno. I will continue to monitor it, but it isn't increasing in size. I got to see my xrays, almost as exciting as baby's first ultrasound! There is lots of regrowth happening in there, there is a calcium overgrowth around the hole that looks yucky, because its lumpy, but is what its supposed to be doing.

Current (and new) gameplan:

1- finish antibiotics next week.
2- see ortho dr again on Nov 11th.
3- if no sign of infection rearing its ugly head again, following the end of the antibiotics, then he will pull the picc line (WOOHOO!!!)
4- if no sign of infection, we will do paperwork to get me a date for surgery (WOOHOO!!!)
5- surgery plan now appears to be something like this:
-two small incisions, one near the shoulder and one near the elbow, and one moderate incision
- more debridement and reaming inside the humorous
- a steel rod placed within the humorous
- no bone graft

The main issue with bone grafting appears to be the risk that the body will reject the donor graft, resulting in more loss of bone, and more surgery. So, he would prefer that it go this way. It appears that the bone is content to heal itself (I would hope that this is because the Immunotec is helping!) so he is happier with a rod, and then monitor it. He anticipates that if there are no complications, I should be able to come home after a day or two in the hospital. There will be a period that I am NOT to use the arm at all, but following that (two or three weeks) he doesn't even think I will be needing a sling for most of the time. Certainly, if I am out walking for a length of time, or doing something that means that my arm can't take a break, I will be needing to use the sling, but for the most part, I just might be sling-free!

There will be more parts added to this plan. I don't know when they will be doing radiation. But we are now looking at having the surgery over and done with by Christmas. And as Martha would say "and THAT'S a good thing!". Lots of Physio in my future, including relearning how to walk and move without constantly hunching to protect a shoulder. But the future looks bright, and I need a new pair of sunglasses! LOL

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Skin Discolouration?

My supposed "good arm" is the one that has the pic line running in it, which is how they are putting the antibiotics into me daily. I have been complaining about it a little for a couple weeks now, that there are some tender areas in the upper arm. The nurse has been watching for any signs of a blood clot, and there aren't any, so we have just put it down to me being a little grumpy with the whole thing. But today we noticed that I have some dusky discolouration on that arm. At first, I got a washcloth and scrubbed my arm, thinking that it was dirty. But its not dirt. So the nurse called the hospital and they have bumped up my appointment with the ortho surgeon to tomorrow. He will take a look at it, and maybe nix the whole antibiotics thing (I only have a week and a bit to go). And hopefully, he will still take the xrays of the surgical arm, so that we can see what is happening in there!

Monday, October 26, 2009


I just looked at the schedule for the next two weeks, and noticed something alarming! I currently have no DOCTORS appointments scheduled for the week of Nov 2-7! How weird is that! I am sure that some will come along, but for right will I do with myself! lol.

Friday, October 23, 2009

A Christmas Survival Kit

1. A stick of gum to remind you to stick to it.
2. A candle to remind you to shine brightly.
3. A chocolate kiss to remind you that you are loved.
4. A match to light your fire when you feel burned out.
5. A Tootsie Roll to remind you not to bite off more than you can chew.
6. A pin to remind you to stay sharp.
7. A Smartie to help you on those days you don't feel so smart.
8. A Starburst to give you a burst of energy on days you don't have any.
9. A Snickers to remind you to take time to laugh.
10. Confetti to remind you to have fun.
11. A bandage to fix things that just will not work.
12. A bag to help you keep it all together and give you food for thought

Update on the Afghan thing

The children's dad is now apparently NOT deploying to Afghanistan, but IS moving to a new job, albeit still in Ottawa. I hope it all works out for him. I still half expect that phone call from the airport, or Afghanistan, telling me that he deployed after all. That is the way that it sometimes works in the military. Its often the way it works in our relationship. He knows that another surgery is coming up, and knows that I need him to help out.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

UPDATE- post oncologist appt!

Ok, so here's the skinny on it all. Yes, there was an anomaly in the breast MRI. It was a 6 mm area that was lighter than "normal". It could be anything, but does not look "tumourish". Next step with this is an ultra sound with a radiation doctor type, and if he can NOT get a clear and impossible to argue with picture, then he will do a needle biopsy. But my oncologist does not feel that this is a cancer lesion.
2. she is still not convinced on the whole breast cancer cells in the arm mean metastitized breast cancer school of thought. She is still prepared to treat it as an anomaly and keep an eye on me, but only if they can show her more of what they are calling breast cancer cells. When they go into my arm to do the reconstruction, they apparently have to take more bone, and she wants to see breast cancer cells in that bone before she will be convinced. She has talked to the ortho surgeons involved and the pathologist and asked the question "is it possible that this was a contaminated biopsy?" Of course they all insist that there is no possible way that anything was mixed up or cross contaminated. This from the same people that managed to give me a staph infection during a routine day procedure biopsy! The oncologist argues that a diagnosis of met breast cancer is of such huge life changing proportions that they have to prove to her that a) its breast cancer and b) its metastitized. She will not treat this by the book.

Next steps:
-I am on the antibiotics for two more weeks.
-I see my ortho surgeon next week for xrays and to find out when he is thinking about doing the followup surgery. He needs to be really convinced that the staph infection is totally gone before he will go in and start putting parts in me.
-I need to get this Ultra sound and possible needle biopsy done. No date for this yet.

So. Mentally, I am in an ok place, right now. I had a few days of really bad anxiety, and pity parties, but I am over that. I am somewhat stronger physically than I have been, I have enough energy to do some errands, I have even had a couple days that I didn't need to lie down in the afternoon. My arm is not hurting me unless I really overdue it. I have almost full mobility with it, but am not using it to lift or push things. I got my hair cut last wknd, and have actually worn lipstick this week. Things MUST be improving if I am pulling out makeup! LOL. I have discovered that it isn't being lazy for me to go online to order my kids' jackets. Its being practical and energy conscious, both my energy and the planet's. If this keeps up, I just may do my Christmas shopping the same way! LOL. Just have to teach nosy Greggo to stop reading address labels!

God is in charge.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oncologist visit tomorrow

I am seeing the oncologist tomorrow morning. She will have the MRI report and the report from the gynecologist. Hopefully, I will get a timing for a biopsy of the lesion they found. I hope that we are going to come up with a more definitive game plan, a direction, and get moving on things. Tomorrow, I also pick up my LAST WEEK'S supply of antibiotics!!! WOOHOO!!! The pik line will stay in my arm for a while yet, but it will be so wonderful to not be dragging this machine around with me all the time! Just a bit more than a week to go. And the highlight of next week will be the xrays to show whats going on in my arm. That, and Halloween, of course! Ryan tells me that Greg will have to take them around treat or treating this year, as I can't help carry the loot. I will stay at home, and hand out the goods. I even built the idea of a sling into my costume, and will dress up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, and hide the sling with the mandatory Dorothy basket!

The children all went for dental appointments. Adam and his very inquisitive nature had many many questions about the xrays that they were going to take of his teeth. The hygenist has a daughter who is autistic (I saw her on Monday, and had brought her up to date on my kids, and was brought up to date on her daughter). It was a perfect partnership, she is accustomed to talking to a child who thinks very laterally, and enjoys watching children learn. She showed Adam all the aspects of the xray machine, and then took him and Ryan in with her into the booth where they develop the film, and explained all the steps. Ryan thought it was kewl, especially the plasters of people's teeth that he got to see, but Adam was thinking thinking thinking. Had some really relavent comments and questions. It was so neat! I know that I, personally, often get caught right up in a discussion with a child, but it really delights me to be able to observe it happening with somebody else.

And here is a first for me! I just booked my next dentist appointment, and was able to say that the day didn't matter, because it was in Sept, and I wouldn't need to make childcare arrangements for the first time in a decade! Ryan will be in school full time in September! Ok, so its practically a year away, but it was still a moment for me!

I hope everybody is happy and healthy, and washing their hands lots, and taking their potions, to avoid these awful flus that are starting up.

The Eagle


Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks? The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it. The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm. When the storms of life come upon us - and all of us will experience them - we can rise above them by setting our minds and our belief toward God. The storms do not have to overcome us. We can allow God's power to lift us above them. God enables us to ride the winds of the storm that bring sickness, tragedy, failure and disappointment in our lives. We can soar above the storm. Remember, it is not the burdens of life that weigh us down, it is how we handle them.

The Bible says, "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles." Isaiah 40:31

Nothing AHEAD of you is bigger or stronger than the POWER of God BEHIND you!

"Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power." Ephesians 6:10

Thursday, October 15, 2009

MRI and follow up appt

Sorry, I missed an update there, what with sleeping off the anesthetic.

MRI was really a no-brainer. Very kewl Dr in the house, Dr Norris, who was administering happy drugs, she is a cancer survivor, and I would have enjoyed talking to her more, but she waved byebye and gave me some more happy juice.

Went in today to see the Gynecologist. She had all the reports, including yesterdays. They have found a small lesion on my right breast. Its about 2 mm. They need to do a needle biopsy of it. If it is cancer, it changes things. It means that the cancer cells in my arm are indeed metastisized cancer cells. Jumping ahead of the game, it means that I will require chemo as well as the radiation that we had already planned on. I think that its important to note that its a very small lesion, and we had all been very puzzled with breast cancer in the arm but nowhere else. I will be pushing for estrogen suppresants now, and quite possibly for my ovaries to be removed completely. But I will wait to talk to Dr Mates, as she is the captain of this ship. The biopsy can be done over the next couple weeks, before the antibiotics are finished, which is nice, given that everything else is on hold until we finish the antibiotics.

But we will still take things one day at a time.

Tomorrow, I am off to find campkits for the boys, as they go to a Beavers daycamp on Saturday.
And some long sleeved shirts for Ryan, who insists on pictures on his shirts. I tried to convince him that he could wear a long sleeved shirt UNDER the picture tshirt, but he says that that doesn't count. Sigh. 5 is a very hard age to be.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Radiology Appt today

I met the radiation specialist today. He would like to see a slightly more aggressive approach taken to this whole puzzle. He would like to see me, post reconstruction surgery, have a round of radiation and chemo. He spoke my concern about the stray cancer cells that we haven't cut out. But he is on a wait pattern until I see Dr Mates (my oncologist) again, following the tests being completed. He also again mentioned hormone therapy, where we starve all cells of estrogen, which is what breast cancer lives on. Does anybody know why they don't just eliminate estrogen for breast cancer victims? Weird that if we know what they eat, why can't we just starve them out? Hmmmmm, there's some research for you Dad!

I got a big binder today, from the hospital, to keep everything together, including contact info and procedure information. Its very neat, but it very clearly states that its from the cancer clinic, so I imagine that I am going to have to start using that word around home, getting the kids adjusted to the concept, fairly soon. We have avoided it, and its been a little weird at times. When Emily was doing the Terry Fox run, she told me that there was a banner that you could write names of cancer survivors and victims, and she wrote the name of Susan, a young friend of ours who lost her eyes to cancer when she was 10. Emily said that she knew that MY grandmother had died from cancer, as well, but that she didn't know her personally, but that some of the other kids had members of their family that they were writing on the banner. I felt like such a liar at that point, that I haven't told them everything. Especially Emily who is getting old enough that she deserves to know. She has questioned why its taking so long for my arm to be better, and has asked if God is angry with us for something. Its hard, especially since this is breast cancer, and will increase HER risk for the disease and become part of HER medical history. I feel like I am making her grow up too quickly to give her that information. Adam will have a million questions and then, some day, come up with a cure, the way that child's brain works. And Ryan just wants to know if he can stay with me when I go to the hospital next time. He insists that he can just sleep on the floor. Enough of our friends know, I worry that they are going to let it slip to their kids. And kids figure out things psychically, sometimes, anyways.

I just really need to be done with this antibiotic bag that I have to haul with me everywhere. It is seriously making me grumpy. Its heavy and stinky and requires the nurse coming in each day. I just want one day of alone. One opportunity to shower without an arm hanging out the side. Whine whine.

Positive thoughts and positive energy......tomorrow morning's MRI is going to show nothing new and nothing interesting.

Monday, October 12, 2009


I have an MRI on Wed morning, and an appointment with the gynocologist on Thursday to go over all the results.

Wed night, the boys are going on their first beavers hike. and then spending the day with the cubs on Saturday, at scout camp.

Hope everybody had a happy thanksiving.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Oncologist just called

All my test results (except for the one next week!) are in, and she is pleasantly surprised to find out that there are no other cancer cells showing up. A spot on my liver turns out to be nothing of significance. The NEWEST plan is to wait out the antibiotics, and then have further surgery, taking some more bone, and then putting in some metal to give it stability. Radiation may not even be done! How bizarre! So I may have my surgery before Christmas!

Monday, October 5, 2009


just spoke with MRI people, they want me to come in to make sure that I will fit into the machine with the cage thing that they need to use next time. If all goes well, I am scheduled for next Wednesday for the next MRI. Click click, the plan falls into place!

I am so tired of hauling this pack with the antibiotics and machine with me everywhere! Its only for another 30 days, but its too long. And too much. Whine whine.

Got my little garden weeded out on Saturday. Took my stool and pulled weeds with one hand, but it worked. I had to get Greg to come clean them up for me, because I didn't use a bucket and couldn't pick them up with both hands! But it looks so nice now! Now I need to get a pot so that I can repot the aloe vera plant to bring it inside. It has loved being outside all summer, and has at least 5 babies ready to be separated. It feels good to do this stuff and feels good that I am able to do this stuff, even if I am sore and tired afterwards.

I have two appointments this week, one to start physio, and one with the GP as a catch up visit.

Hope everybody has a good week.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

And now its time for the NEXT curveball!

Ok, so curveballs are not generally announced ahead of time, but this is a blog, and you do need a title.

James (the children's father, who lives in Ottawa and is in the military) called me yesterday morning, and told me that he, personally, had been requested to serve as assistant to a general or something, in Afghanistan, for a year, with a deparature 30 days from now. He wanted to know, given what is happening here, and will be happening here, was it feasible for him to accept the mission. I said I would do my own staff check, but seriously, if he is asking me, then he has already made up his own mind, and he is already going, at least in his own head. But I did my staff checks, and most of us agree that a) it would be harder on the wknds, with no break, but Greg *could* give up his Saturday job, to help out b) there would be more money coming in for help, so we could hire help c) less bouncing around for the kids would probably mean less outbursts, and definitely less transition time. And we are already doing it, without him, most days. So we all agreed that it really wasn't a problem for him to go.

By the time he came last night to pick the kids up, the woohoo had been downgraded to 6 mths, and only a maybe, that he would find out this coming week if it was a go. He had previously made it sound like it was absolutely happening, that he was the one going, as long as his checks fell into place. I fell for it again. He has done this to me so many times, put me in a position of hurrying to sort things out, only for it to not happen. Maybe its military life, but I think its his "woohoo, I am going to war" attitude that converts everything into a hurry up situation.

I am getting my first xrays of the arm since the hospital on Oct 30th. We get to see what, if any, regrowth is happening. May be wishful thinking, but it certainly is stronger, and some of the ouch issues may simply be because I haven't been using it, and it just needs physio. But I am not to try to use it until he gives the go-ahead. I mean, I use it, I only wear the sling outside the house, but to actually start lifting things, and pushing things, thats on a wait until healed.

Immunotec ( has a wonderful new product that has just been released that was meant just for people like me! Its a probiotic with cranberry. Being on antibiotics means that ALL flora gets killed off in your stomach and intestinal tract. I eat yoghurt daily, but taking something with specific probiotics in higher amounts, and cranberry, which is a cleanser and can protect you from certain infections, can only be better than yoghurt alone.

I think I am feeling more energy this week. I have certainly not had to sleep as much this week as previous weeks. So that is good. I am still taking advantage of the children being away by staying in my pajamas for a good long while today! The nurse has been, so I am going to go back to bed and read a book.

Hope everybody has a good weekend.