Friday, November 27, 2009

getting things together

It is so much less stressful when you have zero time to prepare for surgery or hospital stay! Last time round, Adam had just come home from his grandparents, and had a laundry basket full of clean clothes, and Emily was at her grandparents, same thing when she came home, so Greg just had to grab some stuff for Ryan, and he was done. This time, its midweek, (I need to have things ready Thursday night)and seems so much more complicated. Oh well, I am allowed to whine here.

Today is pajama day at the school. I meant to take pictures before they left, but will try when they come home. I made new fleece bottoms for all of them. Emily wanted cheetah, of course, so I put a cheetah pawprint on her top, Ryan designed his giraffe jammies to feature a loooooooong, neck on the t-shirt. Adam's are multicoloured, with a red t-shirt that has a pocket. This is an important feature, as he can keep his sleepmask in it, the sleepmask that he made himself.