Sunday, November 1, 2009

H1N1 cattle call!

My nurse had gone for her H1N1 shot two days ago, and was explaining to me how the process was working. So, when I found out that there was a clinic today, starting at 1pm, I packed everybody up and headed down. We were there before 1pm and there was already a 4 hour lineup. But I had been told to play the cancer card, because they needed me to have the shot pre-surgery. We waited for about 20 mins after explaining our priority, and then they took us up to the front of the line. The entire experience, including wait time following the shot was about 1 hour. The kids had varying reactions, Adam said it hurt a bit, but not much, Emily cried, and Ryan screamed his fool head off. Greg was very brave.
I bought them all frosties on the way homw.

I felt guilty about playing the cancer card, but there is no way I could have stood there for four hours. Its supposed to only be people on the priority lists, and yet thousands show up. They are hauling in any nurses that still have current licences, and closing healthy baby clinics and the like to put the staff over. And there are a lot of security guards. Plus the people to process the applications. This has to be costing a fortune! Will it all amount to nothing? Worse, is this going to be our generation's version of thalidomide, as I noticed a large number of pregnant women.

A fairly quiet week this week. Ultrasound on Tueaday morning. And then nothing else scheduled for the week. Thank goodness! Antibiotics are done this week, so the nurses will have to come in and cap off the picc line, and I will make arrangements to return the pump and all. So there will be plenty to keep me busy!

Adam was an awesome Harry Potter, Ryan was his loyal sidekick Ron, and Emily was a lovely cheetah for the candy haul last night. Cold night, very few kids out, mostly just nearby neighbours. Sad. I love Halloween. But the kids got a party at club and one at school, so they are happy.

Greg was another story. I am pretty sure he would STILL be out being silly, given the chance.