Friday, September 4, 2009

still in hospital

though it looks like i will be discharged today, depending on home care. several things need to be coordinated before home care is good to go, including equipment pick up and the actual antibiotic being ready for pickup.

general surgery was in yesterday to talk to me. he has scared me completely, in that he says that any type of cancer that is from one part of the body that has transferred to bone is treated only with chemo and is not curable. this is a lot of information. i am not sure if the man has just handed me a death sentence, or what. i will be seeing the oncologist as an out patient, and maybe then will start to have an understanding of what all is happening.

i am scared. i am emotional. at this point in my life, i just want to be the mom, to be celebrating my kids. i feel healthy. i don't want to be told that i am gettiing sick. i don;t want to suspect each cough or sore muscle as something worse. i don;t want to live life from a pessimistic perspective, wondering if each moment is my last moment. this isn't who i am. i am looking forward to going home today, looking forward to sleeping uninterrupted. i am also nervous, wondering how much i will be able to do at home, and will it be enough.