Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oncologist visit tomorrow

I am seeing the oncologist tomorrow morning. She will have the MRI report and the report from the gynecologist. Hopefully, I will get a timing for a biopsy of the lesion they found. I hope that we are going to come up with a more definitive game plan, a direction, and get moving on things. Tomorrow, I also pick up my LAST WEEK'S supply of antibiotics!!! WOOHOO!!! The pik line will stay in my arm for a while yet, but it will be so wonderful to not be dragging this machine around with me all the time! Just a bit more than a week to go. And the highlight of next week will be the xrays to show whats going on in my arm. That, and Halloween, of course! Ryan tells me that Greg will have to take them around treat or treating this year, as I can't help carry the loot. I will stay at home, and hand out the goods. I even built the idea of a sling into my costume, and will dress up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, and hide the sling with the mandatory Dorothy basket!

The children all went for dental appointments. Adam and his very inquisitive nature had many many questions about the xrays that they were going to take of his teeth. The hygenist has a daughter who is autistic (I saw her on Monday, and had brought her up to date on my kids, and was brought up to date on her daughter). It was a perfect partnership, she is accustomed to talking to a child who thinks very laterally, and enjoys watching children learn. She showed Adam all the aspects of the xray machine, and then took him and Ryan in with her into the booth where they develop the film, and explained all the steps. Ryan thought it was kewl, especially the plasters of people's teeth that he got to see, but Adam was thinking thinking thinking. Had some really relavent comments and questions. It was so neat! I know that I, personally, often get caught right up in a discussion with a child, but it really delights me to be able to observe it happening with somebody else.

And here is a first for me! I just booked my next dentist appointment, and was able to say that the day didn't matter, because it was in Sept, and I wouldn't need to make childcare arrangements for the first time in a decade! Ryan will be in school full time in September! Ok, so its practically a year away, but it was still a moment for me!

I hope everybody is happy and healthy, and washing their hands lots, and taking their potions, to avoid these awful flus that are starting up.